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Saturday, April 24, 2010



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As generally, child is the result of fertilization egg or seed between the husband and wife. But, if that result from the fertilization between the unmarried couple, the status of child become as illegitimate child. If the fertilization happens by way of mistake, thus it presumed as a legal status child. In truth, whether the child is legitimate or illegitimate still given the attention and converting by Islamic Syariah. A child is heredity of human generation on this world. Hence, one thing agreed by Al-Quran is the property and child as decoration at world. Hence, Islam obliges to the father and mother guard that trust with full ability.

Islam defends the system of family with prohibiting the act of adultery and taking the raise of child. Islam also prohibits the way of seeds renting which was fertilized when that fertilization is not from the husband’s sperm. In the issue of children by way of clone, it seen as a current issue and cause so many of questions which binding the aspects of religion, act and also on the side of law. This question comes out from the big problem relating to that issue. What is the legitimacy according to Islamic perspectives? Whether it legal or illegal, able or prohibit from doing, or only allowed in certain situation?

Thus, this article was written to examine and research the position of children by way of clone from the legal and religious perspectives. May Allah will gives His help or guidance to the true way and gives the good at all. In truth, all thing which best come out from Allah and all deficiency come out from me whose examine and research about this issue. Wallahualam.


The word ‘clone’ was originally from the Greek word ‘klwn’ which means ‘twig’. This is no surprise because in its primitive form cloning refers to the common vegetative reproduction in plants and is an indication that it is an asexual reproductive method, that unknown to mammals which reproduced sexually.

Cloning is the production of a genetically identical cells or organisms, all descended from a single individual. The members of a clone have precisely the same characteristics except where mutation and environmentally caused development variation have occurred. Cloning is widely used in horticulture to produce plants with desirable traits and also occurs in nature in organisms that produce asexually. The cloning technique can also be used to create identical twins, doubling the number of offspring that any particular female can produce at one time.
Asexual reproduction does not involve any sexual acts, thus the offspring would be an exact genetic replica of a single original parent. Nevertheless, clones are still possible in mammals and are most obvious in twins which either can be a result from natural or even deliberate splitting of a single embryo. Until Dolly, no more mammals had even been cloned through asexual reproductive methods and this is what has made Dolly so unique.


- Reason of Refuse by Islam against Clone

A. Creation by Allah

Creating, animate and death only on the right of Allah. Human cannot mix together in the matter of His God. Allah said, “And indeed We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water and earth). Thereafter We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman). Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece if thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, the We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of creators.”

B. Destroy the Nature
This is consistent with the decree by Allah, “Evil (sins and disobedience to Allah) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds) that He (Allah) may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon).” The risk from existing of clone is very higher into the nature of human themselves. Illustration, in a country exist two President whose same aspect of face, surely it can cause confuses to people.

C. Teach People to Disobedient to Allah and Sunnah
This is because, Allah creating anything the characteristics of human like as beautiful, stupid, clever, ugly, and others, that’s all have their knowledge. Allah knows if all people born with clever and smart, that people will quarrel. All people have their own ability and their stage of though. People work following their ability because the common life is intended to something.

D. Destroy the Families System
This is because children which born by way of clone doesn’t have the mother and father. This issue will cause the problem of inheritance of property and who should being the guardianship and also how their lineage. So, surely make difficult to the life himself and will destroy the system of families in social relationship.

E. Contrary with the Fikah Methods
By the cause of clone bring to the destroying of the families system and social, thus it is an activity which forbidden act. Every activity which bring to the forbidden, the penalty is forbidden. The born of child by the way of clone will cause the defamation in society, will exist two or three same person result from the clone. So, it gives the bad effect to society in their business daily.

- Views by the Ulama (The Body of Muslims Scholar)

A. The Religious Expert from Egypt
The Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Nasr Farid Wasil said in Nadwah Ilmiah held at Kaherah on 16th Mac 1997, the agreement on the aspect of academic and medical, cloning of human is unsuitable and refuse in Islam. Dr. Nasr also explain, the Islamic Syariah very importantly the guardianship of five aspects which refer with human life, that is mind, self, property, religion and heritage. Nobody can life in this world if one of that aspects broken down. The damage to one of those aspects will cause damage and pollution to the human life themselves. Cloning of human spoil the personification, heritage, mental and lastly to the religion. The religion will not known without exist the mind together. Allah want the human generation exist, life and continuing through the process of birth that is marriage which legal on the side of Syara’.

The technique of human cloning by any couple to getting the children is illegal and refuses by Syara’ with clear. Unadvisable the aspect relationship of husband and wife begin to be an ingredient of experiment which contain of devil because it bring to the futile creation by Allah.

B. Ulama from Quwait

There have 5 factors why the cloning of human not allowed in Islam by Dr. An-Nasyami during the Nadwah Ilmiah located at University of Quwait. First, changing the creation by Allah and contrary with the common life of human which healthy on the beginning. As decree by Allah, “(And remain always) turning in repentance to Him (only), and be afraid and dutiful to Him; and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and be not of Al-Musyrikin (the polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah).” Allah creating the human with differences common aspects of face and characteristics.

Besides that, it’s contrary with the status of human which was guarded by Allah and better than others creature. Furthermore, it destroy the families system which starting from the life of husband and wife full with the loving feelings. In the same time, it will be collapse the moral value of motherhood and fatherhood.
It causes the mix of heritage, because that process not respect to the aspect of family and heritage hence doesn’t take care about these aspects. Lastly, it cause of the deceived by the group of wrongdoer. Thus, they involve into the devil trap till devastate his life and others. As a conclusion, Dr. An-Nasyami said not need a Muslim and also to the non-Muslim do the process of cloning to the human based on the explanations which were stated before for guard the dignity, valuable and future guarantee.

C. View by Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardawi
Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardawi refuses the cloning of human based on the three reasons. First, Allah creating human in the different state between them following the basic of various types and different colour. It was stated, “See you not that Allah sends down water (rain) from the sky, and We produce therewith fruits of various colours, and among the mountains are streaks white and red, of varying colours and (others) very black. And likewise of men and Ad-Dawabb [moving (living) creatures, beasts], and cattle, are of various colours. It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Mighty, Oft-Forgiving.” Cloning expose people to the dangerous. When someone befalls of disaster or virus, all people will befall together. Only a type of dangerous was enough to destroying a generation of humanism. Some people irresponsible will be taking opportunity thus, create a human clone from the bad heredity.

Second, Allah creating everything with their couple or partner. As stated, “And We has created you in pairs (male and female, tall and short, good and bad).” Modern scientific shows, every plants and creature have their partner although not only human and animal have male and female but electric, atom and electron have the negative and positive charge. This is agreed and stated as decree by Allah, “And of everything We have created pairs, that you may remember (the Grace of Allah).”

Allah also gives the warning, “Go you in unto the males of the ‘Alamin (mankind). And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!” The effort of human clone is an effort to destroy the law of couple creation by Allah unto the nature. Hence, it is counted as destroy the life of human themselves and truly contrary with the common creation by Allah.

Third, Allah creating family as basic to the life society. A baby must enlarge in the family which full with loving and caring. The question is who will bring up that baby in the duration of baby life if it doesn’t have a mother and father? Appropriately, whose mother must shoulder the burden of pregnant, not like give the ovum for located at the manufacture womb. The mother’s womb which always with the baby in the duration of 9 months and 10 days.

D. Conclusion to All Views
In the Islamic Syariah, there exists the method of Fiqah which mentioned ‘closing the door of defamation’. This method clear if have the thing can be do, but allow the society do it, thus will open the door of defamation which more dangerous and bring to the destroying of human, so firstly to closing this thing from beginning. Allah said, “And insults not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides Allah, lest they insult Allah wrongfully without knowledge. Thus We have made fair-seeming to each people its own doings; then to their Lords is their return and He shall then inform them of all that they used to do.”

The Islamic position is much clearly in that an announcement was made by the Academic of Islamic Fiqh in Jeddah which represented fifty Muslim jurists worldwide which had unanimously agreed that human cloning of whatever nature is to be prohibited in Islam. However, there also exist major restrictions to this ambitious prohibition. The Academy has no authority to impose or enforce its ruling on any Muslim countries. However, respect for this ruling will most certainly be adhered to by most Muslim countries due to the fact that of the existence of a shared concept of morality. Nevertheless, national legislations still need to be enacted to prove better criminal sanctions. This could be done based on the ijtihad of the local jurists on matters pertaining to advancement in biotechnology.

Through all this Malaysia remains comfortable with her Human Tissue Act of 1974. Clearly, with rapid advancements in biotechnology and bio medicine, it would be prudent for us to enact a more comprehensive and efficient legislation governing reproductive technologies. In respect for Article 3 of the Federal Constitution which mentions that Islam is the official religion of the Federation, legislation regulating this area should adopt the Islamic moral and ethical standard this is more closely and better acceptable to all Malaysian.


After conscientious all the discussion before, there have some conclusions can be made. We are not sure what will be the biological implications of cloning. We do not know whether the human thus created will have a balanced personality or that, he or she will become a monster. It is true that a person created this way will have identical physical features of his or her single parent, but this does not necessarily mean that that person will be mentally and morally like his or her parent. Even identical twins have different personalities.

We also do not know whether these highly manipulated single cells will be able to produce healthy and psychologically stable persons. Another question is about the use of the clones. What function would they play? Where are we going to keep these clones to live and grow as adults? How can we allow a human being’s body to be used by another human being as spare parts? This will be worse than slavery. This technology, if developed, would certainly affect the families system and would have many legal and ethical problems.

Some Muslim scholars who have discussed this subject recently have pointed out that ‘changing the creation of Allah’ is not allowed unless there is a real need or human welfare that depends on it. Thus they say that the Prophet even forbade from making changes unnecessarily in the body, face, eyebrows, and others. If making changes in such small and somewhat superficial things is forbidden then certainly the major changes in human genetics would be even more forbidden. Only Allah knows the best. Wallahualam.

*Edited from an assignment of “Legitimacy of Children by Way of Clone & Surrogate Mother According To Islamic Perspective”, prepared for Islamic Family Law (LSS 1033) during the 3rd Semester of Diploma in Law, UDM.


Lokman Aiman Bin Karjoo
General Secretary 2,
FLAIRSOC Session 2010 / 2011.


Truly Chocs said...

..by way of CLONING, and the same goes to 'Reasons why Islam forbids/Islam is against CLONING :)

and a lot better that every citation of Quran & Sunnah is followed by the Surah,verse/ayat,or Chapter & no of the hadith.
and yes,there's more harm in cloning than the opposite.