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Cash-Out Refinance For many, their homes are just not dwellings that protect them against rain, sun, and wind. But they are piggy banks, which can be used to raise some urgent money, even if the home still lays collateral...

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Palm’s latest model, new handheld in a long time. Palm’s latest model, the TX, is its most ambitious new handheld in a long time. This isn’t because it’s full of cutting-edge features. It certainly is not. However, very few mid-range models have...

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An image in a post Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam...

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Home Purchase Loan We all dream to own a home, at some point in our lives. In fact, this is a major driving force or one of the goals we have ahead while working day and night and saving a good share of the earnings every...

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Friday, December 03, 2010

Tamat semester 1 2010/2011



Ketika ini, FLAIRIANS khususnya dan warga UNiSZA amnya sedang berhempas pulas memerah otak dalam menghadapi peperiksaan akhir. Ada juga yang telah menamatkan semester 1 sesi 2010/2011 dan pastinya sedang bercuti ketika ini. apa pun, buat FLAIRIANS yang masih mempunyai kertas, SELAMAT BERJUANG diucapkan dan bagi yang sudah selesai TAHNIAH kerana berjaya menghabiskan semester ini.

Apapun keadaan kita, sudah selesai periksa atau belum, marilah sama-sama kita berdoa semoga kita akan mendapat keputusan yang terbaik untuk diri kita. Bersedia mental dan emosi untuk menghadapi detik keputusan peperiksaan keluar. jika kita ikhlas, doa kita adalah agar diberi yang terbaik untuk diri kita bersama, InsyaALLAH walau apa pun keputusan kita nanti kita dapat terima dengan baik kerana baik atau buruk keputusan itu nanti, itulah yang terbaik untuk kita. Things happen for a reason kan?

untuk akhirnya, SELAMAT BERCUTI SEMUA!!!! dan jumpa lagi semester depan :-)

**saya sangat teruja dan gembira melihat peningkatan pada bilangan pengikut blog ini. Terima kasih kawan-kawan!!

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Untuk Kawan-Kawan semua


Assalamualaikum dan salam 1 Malaysia semua..:-)

Hai semua, harap sihat sentiasa. Hari ini telah seminggu kita bercuti, bagi yang menyambut Deepavali, rasanya masih belum terlambat untuk saya dan rakan-rakan pimpinan FLAIRSOC untuk mengucapkan SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI DEEPAVALI.semoga gembira hendaknya dan semoga kehidupan kita akan sentiasa ceria dan disinarai cahaya seperti mana bersinarnya sinaran cahaya pelita yang dinyalakan . Buat yang beragama Islam, Eid- Al Adha bakal menjelma tidak lama lagi. jadi sama-samalah kita menghayati erti pengorbanan yang sebenar. Semoga kita mampu menjadi manusia yang lebih baik. InsyaALLAH. Bagaimanapun, di sebalik kegembiraan ini jangan lupa, peperiksaan akhir bakal menjelma. Jadi, sediakan kelengkapan perang anda secukupnya. Semoga kita sama - sama beroleh kejayaan.

Baiklah, kali ini saya ingin berkongsi tentang Majlis Kecemerlangan FUHA yang telah diadakan pada 26 Oktober yang lalu.ya, saya lambat menulis di sini. mohon dimaafkan. Pada majlis itu, pelajar cemerlang semester 2 2009/2010 telah diraikan. Tahniah diucapkan kepada Fazidatul Aida yang berjaya membolot hampir semua anugerah utama- Pelajar terbaik semester 2, Pelajar Terbaik Ijazah dan Pelajar terbaik fakulti. Tahniah! Begitu juga dengan penerima anugerah yang lainnya seperti Mohd Syafiq Sulaiman dan Madihah Nikmah Hamidim bagi pelajar terbaik kokurikulum dan penerima anugerah dekan bagi setiap semester. Semoga kejayaan ini akan membakar semangat mereka untuk terus berjaya dan menjadi inspirasi bagi yang lain. InsyaAllah.

Pagi tadi, pimpinan FLAIRSOC telah mengadakan mesyuarat bersama pimpinan FUHA yang telah menjadikan isu pembayaran yuran praktikal antara isu utama. Isu yang telah diketengahkan kepada pihak pengurusan ini masih tergantung dan pelajar semester 5 yang telah dikenakan yuran tertanya-tanya status bantahan mereka. Semoga petisyen yang ditandatangani oleh mereka mendapat perhatian pehak pengurusan. Amiiiiin. Turut dibincangkan adalah aktiviti pada awal semester hadapan. Semoga segala yang dirancang berjalan dengan lancar. InsyaALLAH.

Sekian sahaja, selamat bercuti semua dan terima kasih kerana sudi menjenguk. Salam :-)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Untuk Tatapan


Assalamualaikum WBT dan Salam 1 Malaysia semua :P

Harap semua yang menjenguk ke sini berada dalam keadaan yang baik. Pada kesempatan ini, saya ingin berkongsi sedikit gambar sepanjang program dan aktiviti FLAIRIANS yang berlangsung pada bulan Ogos sehingga Oktober ini. Sebahagiannya telah diletakkan di facebook FLAIRSOC dan ada juga yang ekslusif di sini sahaja :-)

kita mulakan dengan program IFTAR anjuran FUHA yang telah diadakan pada 24 Ogos 2010

Seterusnya, kita beralih pula ke program Law Academic Week yang telah diadakan seminggu selepas cuti pertengahan semester dan cuti sempena hari Raya Aidilfitri iaitu pada 23 hingga 25 september 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Catatan Ogos- Oktober


Assalamualaikum WBT

Lama sungguh blog ini tidak dikemaskini. maaf saya pohon kerana kesibukan membuat saya gagal menceritakan segala yang berlaku, banyak aktiviti FLAIRSOC yang tidak sempat dikongsikan di sini. terima kasih juga diucapkan kepada mereka yang sudi untuk klik pada ruangan follower dan Alhamdulillah, jika semasa saya mula-mula mengambil alih blog ini, hanya 3 orang pengikut sahaja, syukur kini telah menjadi 11. Terima kasih atas sokongan kalian dan InsyaAllah saya akan berusaha untuk memastikan segala aktiviti FLAIRSOC dan FLAIRIANS dikongsikan di sini.

baiklah, kerana hampir 2 bulan blog ini dibiar sepi, maka untuk kali ini banyak yang akan saya kongsikan. Saya mulakan dengan program IFTAR FUHA yang telah diadakan pada 24 Ogos yang lalu. Alhamdulillah, walaupun berdepan dengan pelbagai masalah sehingga tarikh terpaksa diubah beberapa kali namun program ini berjaya dilaksanakan dan sambutan yang diberikan oleh FLAIRIANS amat baik. Apa yang lebih baik adalah sambutan dari FLAIRIANS yang tidak beragama Islam juga amat menggalakkan. selepas berbuka puasa, para FLAIRIANS solat maghrib, isyak dan solat terawikh bersama-sama.

Seterusnya, kita beralih ke program LAW ACADEMIC WEEK, satu program yang amat sinonim dengan Exco Akademik dan juga FLAIRIANS. Alhamdulillah, seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya program ini berjaya dilangsungkan pada 23, 24 dan 25 September yang lalu. Program ini diarahkan oleh Fazidatulaida Mat Yazid, pelajar ijazah tahun 2 merangkap Exco Akademik FLAIRSOC. Program selama 3 hari itu menghimpunkan beberapa acara iaitu pantun, passing the bill, mock trial dan story telling. Program bermula dengan pertandingan Pantun dan diakhiri dengan pantun juga. Sambutan yang diterima dalam kalangan FLAIRIANS juga amat baik dan tahniah diucapkan kepada kumpulan yang diketuai oleh Saudara Shahril Nizam yang telah berjaya dinobatkan sebagai juara keseluruhan!

Selesai LAW ACADEMIC WEEK, FUHA telah menganjurkan program Seminar Kebangsaan Undang-Undang Kanak-Kanak kali ke-2 yang telah diadakan di Institut Sosial Negara, Malaysia.
Program tersebut telah dirasmikan oleh Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil, Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat dan sambutan yang diberikan amat menggalakkan. Pada 8-16 Oktober yang lalu pula FLAIRSOC telah menghantar wakil untuk mewakili FUHA pada pertandingan sukan Inter-fakulti UniSZA dan Alhamdulillah atlet FUHA yang terdiri daripada para FLAIRIANS telah berjaya menunjukkan prestasi yang membanggakan. Bagi acara Futsal contohnya FUHA telah berjaya mendapat tempat ketiga bagi kedua-dua kategori lelaki dan perempuan . Kemudian, bola jaring berjaya mendapat tempat kedua dan bola tampar dan beberapa acara balapan juga berjaya dikuasai oleh FUHA.

Kemudian, pada 15 dan 16 haribulan yang lalu FUHA telah menghantar wakil untuk bertanding dalam pertandingan debat piala naib canselor UniSZA. Bagi ketegori Bahasa Melayu, FUHA telah menghantar 3 kumpulan iaitu kumpulan A, B dan C yang mana kumpulan B dan C diwakili oleh para pelajar diploma semester 1 dan apa yang lebih membanggakan adalah apabila kumpulan B berjaya melayakkan diri ke peringkat separuh akhir sebelum ditewaskan oleh FUHA A yang diwakili oleh Ahmad Burhan Sidqi, Hidayah Awawi dan Salmi Abdul Rahman manakala pasukan FUHA C pula telah berjaya ke peringkat suku akhir. kejayaan yang amat membanggakan bagi FUHA apatah lagi kejayaan merampas piala dari juara bertahan pasukan Fakulti Pengajian Kontemporari Islam telah menamatkan penantian seluruh warga FUHA. Terima kasih buat para FLAIRIANS dan Puan Noraida Harun, Dekan FUHA yang sudi hadir memberi sokongan. sementara itu, bagi kategori bahasa inggeris FUHA juga telah berjaya menjadi johan dengan mengalahkan juara bertahan, Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi. apa yang lebih manis adalah Anila Sara George telah dinobatkan sebagai pendebat terbaik bagi kategori bahas Inggeris manakala rakan sepasukan beliau iaitu Syazwani dan Alyshia masing-masing ditangga ke-2 dan 5 kelompok pendebat terbaik kategori bahasa Inggeris. sementara itu, bagi kategori Bahasa Melayu pula Ahmad Burhan Sidqi dan Hidayah Awawi berjaya menempatkan diri dalam kelompok 10 pendebat terbaik liga di tempat ke 4 dan 9.

akhir kata, semoga kejayaan yang telah dicapai ini tidak terhenti di sini sahaja. Harapan kami semoga seluruh warga FUHA akan terus mengorak langkah ke arah yang lebih baik. InsyaAllah.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010




Seperti yang telah tercatat pada entry sebelum ini, FLAIRSOC UNISZA telah menghantar delegasi ke Kuala Lumpur pada 28 hingga 30 Julai 2010. Delegasi seramai 35 orang ini terdiri daripada barisan kepimpinan FLAIRSOC, Ahli Jawatankuasa Pelaksana program yang terdiri daripada AJK exco ALSA dan SERANTA dan FLAIRIANS. Turut mengiringi perjalanan kami adalah Encik Mohd Fuad Husaini, Timbalan Dekan Hal Ehwal Pelajar FUHA. Mungkin ada yang mempersoal serta mempertikai akan delegasi yang terpilih untuk mewakili persatuan. Sebenarnya, kami ingin sekali membawa kalian semua untuk turut serta dalam lawatan ini. Namun, apakan daya kita mempunyai kekangan-kekangan yang menghalangnya untuk berlaku. InsyaALLAH, mungkin di lain masa. Untuk pengetahuan FLAIRIANS sekalian, mereka yang menyertai rombongan tersebut merupakan mereka yang telah dipilih dan dipersetujui serta diluluskan pemergian mereka oleh Timbalan Dekan Hal Ehwal Pelajar, Encik Mohd Fuad Husaini.

Untuk makluman, setibanya kami ke Kuala Lumpur kami terus menuju ke Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) dan destinasi kami adalah Kuliyyah Undang-Undang Ahmad Ibrahim (AIKOL). Di sana, kami berkesempatan untuk bertemu dengan Timbalan Dekan AIKOL yang mengalu-alukan serta menyambut baik kehadiran kami. Kami turut diberi peluang untuk melawat perpustakaan khusus untuk pelajar undang-undang UIA yang terletak di tingkat bawah perpustakaan UIA. Peluang melihat sendiri bilik yang menghimpunkan koleksi serta karya Professor Ahmad Ibrahim amat bermakna bagi kami. Antara lain, kami turut berkesempatan untuk mengadakan sesi dialog bersama Persatuan Mahasiswa Unsang-Undang UIA (LAWSOC). Kesempatan itu kami manfaatkan dengan bertanyakan pelbagai soalan dan saling bertukar pendapat. Kami turut berpeluang bertemu salah seorang mooter UIA yang telah banyak menceritakan pengalaman dan tidak lokek berkongsi tips, ilmu dan rahsia kejayaan UIA selama ini. Malah pihak LAWSOC UIA mengharapkan agar hubungan ini berterusan dan kita dapat berkerjasam kelak. Semoga pelbagai pengalaman bermakna yang diperoleh mampu diaplikasikan dalam kalangan FLAIRIANS kelak. InsyaAllah.

Sesi dialog antara pimpinan FLAIRSOC dan LAWSOC

Selepas UIA, kami kemudiannya bertolak ke tengah bandar Kuala Lumpur untuk sesi bersama Persatuan Guaman Sharie Malaysia (PGSM). Untuk makluman, FLAIRSOC dan UNISZA merupakan satu-satunya delegasi yang mengadakan pertemuan dengan PGSM semenjak 9 tahun penubuhannya dan ia merupakan satu penghormatan bermakna buat mereka dan pastinya kami sendiri. Sama seperti apa yang berlaku di UIA, kehadiran kami disambut baik oleh para exco PGSM. Tuntasnya, melalui lawatan dan kunjungan ini kami melihat banyak peluang kerjasama yang boleh dicapai kelak apabila pihak PGSM berbesar hati untuk membantu dan menyokong setiap aktiviti yang dilakukan. Untuk makluman FLAIRIANS sekalian, walaupun ijazah Undang-Undang UNISZA belum diiktiraf oleh LPQB, namun kita boleh memohon untuk menjadi peguam syariah di Wilayah Persekutuan dan Johor. walaupun kita tidak belajar undang-undang syariah. Hal ini kerana, kedua-dua negeri tersebut tidak meletakkan sebarang syarat dalam pengambilan peguam syarie. Jadi, selain berkhidmat dengan kerajaan bagi sesiapa yang berminat anda boleh menjadi peguam syarie.

bersama Persatuan Guaman Syarie Malaysia

Pada sebelah malam, kami ke Putrajaya untuk makan malam bersama Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang ke-5 di pejabat beliau. Selain acara makan malam, kami turut berpeluang untuk mengadakan sesi dialog selam 1 jam bersama beliau. Sepanjang tempoh itu banyak perkara dapat dikongsi dan beliau mengingatkan kami akan kepentingan memelihara serta berpegang kepada modal insan untuk berjaya. Berjumpa dengan beliau secara peribadi melahirkan kekaguman kami terhadap sikap beliau yang lemah lembut dan amat menghormati tetamu. Bayangkan, siapalah kami jika hendak dibandingkan dengan beliau. Namun, seakan menolak tepi darjat dan pangkat beliau sabar melayan kerenah kami.

mantan Perdana Menteri ke-5, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

delegasi bergambar kenangan bersama Tun Abdullah

Pada hari kedua, iaitu 29 Julai 2010 kami telah ke Pejabat Peguam Negara di mana kami ke Unit Bicara dan Rayuan yang diketuai oleh Puan Noorin Badaruddin, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya yang bertanggung-jawab mengendalikan kes liwat Dato' Seri Anuar Ibrahim, kes bunuh dan rogol Canny Ong serta kes di bawah Akta Hasutan yang melibatkan Karpal Singh. Ketibaan kami sememangnya disambut baik oleh para pegawai dan staff unit tersebut. Kami turut diperkenalkan dengan unit tersebut yang baru 1 tahun ditubuhkan. Untuk makluman, unit ini akan menguruskan pendakwaan kes berprofil tinggi iaitu kes yang melibatkan kepentingan masyarakat seperti kes yang disebutkan di atas. Semasa sesi dialog diadakan, Puan Noorin menjelaskan kepada kami bahawa seorang Pendakwa Raya mempunyai hak untuk mendakwa seseorang di bawah seksyen berapa sekalipun. dan mahkamah tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk menidakkan perkara tersebut. Beliau berkata demikian semasa menjawab persoalan yang dikemukakan oleh wakil delegasi yang bertanyakan tentang pertikaian pertuduhan terhadap kes Dato' Seri anuar Ibrahim.

Puan Noorin menyambut ketibaan kami

sesi dialog: salah seorang perserta rombongan bertanyakan soalan

Delegasi dibawa melawat sekitar Unit Bicara Dan Rayuan

bergambar kenangan bersama para pegawai Unit Bicara dan Rayuan

Pada sebelah petangnya, kami ke Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dan pada sebelah malamnya kami ke Residence Hotel untuk makan malam bersama Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi. Melalui kedua-kedua sesi tersebut kami berpeluang untuk membawa suara warga UNISZA serta FLAIRIANS khususnya dalam pelbagai perkara. Melalui sesi dialog lebih 2 jam itu kami melihat sinar harapan apabila Dato' Saifuddin, Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi menyatakan kesudian beliau untuk membantu kita terutamanya dalam hal berkaitan pengiktirafan program ijazah undang-undang serta pelbagai masalah lain lagi.

di Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi

ketibaan Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah

Pada 30 Julai, kami telah ke Pejabat Kurnia Insurans yang mana kami melihat banyak peluang pekerjaan yang boleh diperoleh di sana. hal ini kerana menurut rekod dan statistik mereka mempunyai kira-kira 30 orang pekerja berkelulusan undang-undang. Malah ada yang pernah berkhidmat sebagai peguam sebelum ini. Pihak mereka juga mengalu-alukan penyertaan kita untuk menjadi ahli Kurnia.

mendengar taklimat yang disampaikan oleh wakil Kurnia Insurans

Mr Eddie Lim, salah seorang wakil Kurnia

Tuntasnya, lawatan selama 3 hari 2 malam ini sangat bermakna kerana banyak input yang kami peroleh dan diharapkan agar kami dapat memanfaatkannya untuk kepentingan kita bersama. insyaAllah.

sehingga bertemu lagi..:)

Saturday, July 24, 2010



Untuk makluman FLAIRIANS, pada 27 hingga 29 Julai ini Exco ALSA dan SERANTA akan mengadakan lawatan ke Kuala Lumpur. Lawatan tersebut diharap dapat membuka ruang dan peluang kepada FUHA dan FLAIRIANS untuk memperoleh pengalaman dan ilmu berharga. Antara lain program ini bertujuan untuk memperkenal serta mempromosi FUHA dan UNISZA seterusnya diharap dapat menyedarkan pihak terlibat akan kewujudan UNISZA dan FUHA khususnya.

Harapan kami semoga program ini berlangsung dengan jayanya dan delegasi yang terlibat akan selamat pergi dan balik..



Sebentar tadi telah berlangsung PROGRAM CABARAN DUNIA BARU yang telah dianjurkan oleh Exco Akademik yang diketuai oleh Fazidatul Aida Mat Yazid. Jika pada tahun-tahun sebelum ini program sebegini diadakan di Dewan Kuliah Utama (DKU), pada tahun ini program ini berlangsung di Blok Othman 01 kerana DKU digunakan untuk majlis konvokesyen.

Program ini telah dirasmikan oleh Encik Mohd Fuad Husaini, Timbalan Dekan Hal Ehwal Pelajar Fakulti Undang-Undang dan Hubungan Antarabangsa (FUHA) dan diadakan bertujuan untuk mengalu-alukan serta menyambut kehadiran pelajar-pelajar baru FUHA baik pelajar diploma mahupun ijazah. Selain daripada itu, program ini juga bertujuan untuk memberi peluang kepada para senior dan junior untuk saling mengenali antara satu sama lain. Selain sesi perkenalan, para pelajar baru turut diberi kesempatan untuk membuat persembahan yang telah menarik perhatian para senior. Tahniah kami ucapkan dan kami amat mengharapkan komitmen yang diberikan akan berterusan untuk kelangsungan kita di masa hadapan.

Majlis turut diselitkan dengan sesi perbincangan di antara pimpinan FLAIRSOC dengan FLAIRIANS yang mana membincangkan berkaitan pakaian rasmi pelajar untuk hari Rabu yang mana majoriti pelajar memilih untuk memakai pakaian hitam dan putih beserta blazer pada hari tersebut. Harapan kami semoga para FLAIRIANS dapat mematuhi etika pemakaian baru yang telah sama dipersetujui ini yang akan berkuatkuasa pada awal Ogos 2010. Antara lain, turut dibincangkan adalah berkaitan layout FLAIRSOC yang akan diberikan secara percuma kepada FLAIRIANS yang telah melunaskan yuran persatuan. Turut dibincangkan adalah persetujuan untuk mendapatkan t-shirt persatuan. Sambutan yang diberikan nyata amat menggalakkan dan kami amat berharap projek ini akan berjaya.

Majlis kemudiannya diakhiri dengan sesi fotografi mengikut kelas.

Friday, July 16, 2010



Apa khabar FLAIRIANS sekalian? pertamanya, maaf kerana blog ini agak lama terbiar, apa-apa pun mulai hari ini, InsyaAllah blog ini akan kembali diaktifkan.sebelum mengorak langkah lebih jauh, saya mewakili pimpinan FLAIRSOC ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pengikut baru blog ini.sokongan kalian amat kami hargai..:) Alhamdulillah, kita kini berada di tahun yang baru dalam suasana yang baru yang mana nama universiti telah bertukar dari Universiti Darul Iman (UDM) kepada Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA).buat pelajar baru FUHA, selamat datang dan selamat menyertai FLAIRSOC. anda kini bergelar FLAIRIANS!

Buat pengetahuan semua, pada hari rabu yang lalu, (14 Julai 2010) Exco ALSA & SERANTA dan Exco Akademik telah menganjurkan program JELAJAH PERUNDANGAN MERENTASI SEMPADAN yang memfokuskan kepada pelajar sekolah (tingkatan 5 dan 6) bertempat di SMKA Sheikh Abdul Malek. program ini bertujuan untuk memupuk minat pelajar terhadap bidang perundangan di samping untuk memperkenalkan FUHA dan UNISZA kepada dunia luar. Program ini merangkumi forum, motivasi dan slot memperkenalkan FUHA yang mana majoriti penceramah atau panel yang terlibat merupakan bekas pelajar SMKA Sheikh Abdul Malek sendiri. selain itu, para pelajar juga didedahkan dengan advocacy skill yang memerlukan mereka menganalisis masalah, mencari bahan bukti dan berhujah.

Alhamdulillah, program ini mendapat maklum balas serta respon yang positif dari para peserta yang rata-ratanya mahu kami kembali menganjurkan program sebegini di sana. kejayaan ini menguatkan lagi semangat kami barisan pimpinan FLAIRSOC untuk menjenamakan serta memperkenalkan FUHA dan UNISZA dan kami berharap untuk menjelajah ke seluruh negeri Terengganu selepas ini..InsyaALLAH..kini, kita sedang menanti untuk k Kuala Lumpur pula untuk siri penjenamaan FUHA dan UNISZA kepada pihak-pihak yang berkaitan di sana..

Saturday, April 24, 2010



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As generally, child is the result of fertilization egg or seed between the husband and wife. But, if that result from the fertilization between the unmarried couple, the status of child become as illegitimate child. If the fertilization happens by way of mistake, thus it presumed as a legal status child. In truth, whether the child is legitimate or illegitimate still given the attention and converting by Islamic Syariah. A child is heredity of human generation on this world. Hence, one thing agreed by Al-Quran is the property and child as decoration at world. Hence, Islam obliges to the father and mother guard that trust with full ability.

Islam defends the system of family with prohibiting the act of adultery and taking the raise of child. Islam also prohibits the way of seeds renting which was fertilized when that fertilization is not from the husband’s sperm. In the issue of children by way of clone, it seen as a current issue and cause so many of questions which binding the aspects of religion, act and also on the side of law. This question comes out from the big problem relating to that issue. What is the legitimacy according to Islamic perspectives? Whether it legal or illegal, able or prohibit from doing, or only allowed in certain situation?

Thus, this article was written to examine and research the position of children by way of clone from the legal and religious perspectives. May Allah will gives His help or guidance to the true way and gives the good at all. In truth, all thing which best come out from Allah and all deficiency come out from me whose examine and research about this issue. Wallahualam.


The word ‘clone’ was originally from the Greek word ‘klwn’ which means ‘twig’. This is no surprise because in its primitive form cloning refers to the common vegetative reproduction in plants and is an indication that it is an asexual reproductive method, that unknown to mammals which reproduced sexually.

Cloning is the production of a genetically identical cells or organisms, all descended from a single individual. The members of a clone have precisely the same characteristics except where mutation and environmentally caused development variation have occurred. Cloning is widely used in horticulture to produce plants with desirable traits and also occurs in nature in organisms that produce asexually. The cloning technique can also be used to create identical twins, doubling the number of offspring that any particular female can produce at one time.
Asexual reproduction does not involve any sexual acts, thus the offspring would be an exact genetic replica of a single original parent. Nevertheless, clones are still possible in mammals and are most obvious in twins which either can be a result from natural or even deliberate splitting of a single embryo. Until Dolly, no more mammals had even been cloned through asexual reproductive methods and this is what has made Dolly so unique.


- Reason of Refuse by Islam against Clone

A. Creation by Allah

Creating, animate and death only on the right of Allah. Human cannot mix together in the matter of His God. Allah said, “And indeed We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water and earth). Thereafter We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman). Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece if thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, the We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of creators.”

B. Destroy the Nature
This is consistent with the decree by Allah, “Evil (sins and disobedience to Allah) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds) that He (Allah) may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon).” The risk from existing of clone is very higher into the nature of human themselves. Illustration, in a country exist two President whose same aspect of face, surely it can cause confuses to people.

C. Teach People to Disobedient to Allah and Sunnah
This is because, Allah creating anything the characteristics of human like as beautiful, stupid, clever, ugly, and others, that’s all have their knowledge. Allah knows if all people born with clever and smart, that people will quarrel. All people have their own ability and their stage of though. People work following their ability because the common life is intended to something.

D. Destroy the Families System
This is because children which born by way of clone doesn’t have the mother and father. This issue will cause the problem of inheritance of property and who should being the guardianship and also how their lineage. So, surely make difficult to the life himself and will destroy the system of families in social relationship.

E. Contrary with the Fikah Methods
By the cause of clone bring to the destroying of the families system and social, thus it is an activity which forbidden act. Every activity which bring to the forbidden, the penalty is forbidden. The born of child by the way of clone will cause the defamation in society, will exist two or three same person result from the clone. So, it gives the bad effect to society in their business daily.

- Views by the Ulama (The Body of Muslims Scholar)

A. The Religious Expert from Egypt
The Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Nasr Farid Wasil said in Nadwah Ilmiah held at Kaherah on 16th Mac 1997, the agreement on the aspect of academic and medical, cloning of human is unsuitable and refuse in Islam. Dr. Nasr also explain, the Islamic Syariah very importantly the guardianship of five aspects which refer with human life, that is mind, self, property, religion and heritage. Nobody can life in this world if one of that aspects broken down. The damage to one of those aspects will cause damage and pollution to the human life themselves. Cloning of human spoil the personification, heritage, mental and lastly to the religion. The religion will not known without exist the mind together. Allah want the human generation exist, life and continuing through the process of birth that is marriage which legal on the side of Syara’.

The technique of human cloning by any couple to getting the children is illegal and refuses by Syara’ with clear. Unadvisable the aspect relationship of husband and wife begin to be an ingredient of experiment which contain of devil because it bring to the futile creation by Allah.

B. Ulama from Quwait

There have 5 factors why the cloning of human not allowed in Islam by Dr. An-Nasyami during the Nadwah Ilmiah located at University of Quwait. First, changing the creation by Allah and contrary with the common life of human which healthy on the beginning. As decree by Allah, “(And remain always) turning in repentance to Him (only), and be afraid and dutiful to Him; and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and be not of Al-Musyrikin (the polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah).” Allah creating the human with differences common aspects of face and characteristics.

Besides that, it’s contrary with the status of human which was guarded by Allah and better than others creature. Furthermore, it destroy the families system which starting from the life of husband and wife full with the loving feelings. In the same time, it will be collapse the moral value of motherhood and fatherhood.
It causes the mix of heritage, because that process not respect to the aspect of family and heritage hence doesn’t take care about these aspects. Lastly, it cause of the deceived by the group of wrongdoer. Thus, they involve into the devil trap till devastate his life and others. As a conclusion, Dr. An-Nasyami said not need a Muslim and also to the non-Muslim do the process of cloning to the human based on the explanations which were stated before for guard the dignity, valuable and future guarantee.

C. View by Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardawi
Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardawi refuses the cloning of human based on the three reasons. First, Allah creating human in the different state between them following the basic of various types and different colour. It was stated, “See you not that Allah sends down water (rain) from the sky, and We produce therewith fruits of various colours, and among the mountains are streaks white and red, of varying colours and (others) very black. And likewise of men and Ad-Dawabb [moving (living) creatures, beasts], and cattle, are of various colours. It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Mighty, Oft-Forgiving.” Cloning expose people to the dangerous. When someone befalls of disaster or virus, all people will befall together. Only a type of dangerous was enough to destroying a generation of humanism. Some people irresponsible will be taking opportunity thus, create a human clone from the bad heredity.

Second, Allah creating everything with their couple or partner. As stated, “And We has created you in pairs (male and female, tall and short, good and bad).” Modern scientific shows, every plants and creature have their partner although not only human and animal have male and female but electric, atom and electron have the negative and positive charge. This is agreed and stated as decree by Allah, “And of everything We have created pairs, that you may remember (the Grace of Allah).”

Allah also gives the warning, “Go you in unto the males of the ‘Alamin (mankind). And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!” The effort of human clone is an effort to destroy the law of couple creation by Allah unto the nature. Hence, it is counted as destroy the life of human themselves and truly contrary with the common creation by Allah.

Third, Allah creating family as basic to the life society. A baby must enlarge in the family which full with loving and caring. The question is who will bring up that baby in the duration of baby life if it doesn’t have a mother and father? Appropriately, whose mother must shoulder the burden of pregnant, not like give the ovum for located at the manufacture womb. The mother’s womb which always with the baby in the duration of 9 months and 10 days.

D. Conclusion to All Views
In the Islamic Syariah, there exists the method of Fiqah which mentioned ‘closing the door of defamation’. This method clear if have the thing can be do, but allow the society do it, thus will open the door of defamation which more dangerous and bring to the destroying of human, so firstly to closing this thing from beginning. Allah said, “And insults not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides Allah, lest they insult Allah wrongfully without knowledge. Thus We have made fair-seeming to each people its own doings; then to their Lords is their return and He shall then inform them of all that they used to do.”

The Islamic position is much clearly in that an announcement was made by the Academic of Islamic Fiqh in Jeddah which represented fifty Muslim jurists worldwide which had unanimously agreed that human cloning of whatever nature is to be prohibited in Islam. However, there also exist major restrictions to this ambitious prohibition. The Academy has no authority to impose or enforce its ruling on any Muslim countries. However, respect for this ruling will most certainly be adhered to by most Muslim countries due to the fact that of the existence of a shared concept of morality. Nevertheless, national legislations still need to be enacted to prove better criminal sanctions. This could be done based on the ijtihad of the local jurists on matters pertaining to advancement in biotechnology.

Through all this Malaysia remains comfortable with her Human Tissue Act of 1974. Clearly, with rapid advancements in biotechnology and bio medicine, it would be prudent for us to enact a more comprehensive and efficient legislation governing reproductive technologies. In respect for Article 3 of the Federal Constitution which mentions that Islam is the official religion of the Federation, legislation regulating this area should adopt the Islamic moral and ethical standard this is more closely and better acceptable to all Malaysian.


After conscientious all the discussion before, there have some conclusions can be made. We are not sure what will be the biological implications of cloning. We do not know whether the human thus created will have a balanced personality or that, he or she will become a monster. It is true that a person created this way will have identical physical features of his or her single parent, but this does not necessarily mean that that person will be mentally and morally like his or her parent. Even identical twins have different personalities.

We also do not know whether these highly manipulated single cells will be able to produce healthy and psychologically stable persons. Another question is about the use of the clones. What function would they play? Where are we going to keep these clones to live and grow as adults? How can we allow a human being’s body to be used by another human being as spare parts? This will be worse than slavery. This technology, if developed, would certainly affect the families system and would have many legal and ethical problems.

Some Muslim scholars who have discussed this subject recently have pointed out that ‘changing the creation of Allah’ is not allowed unless there is a real need or human welfare that depends on it. Thus they say that the Prophet even forbade from making changes unnecessarily in the body, face, eyebrows, and others. If making changes in such small and somewhat superficial things is forbidden then certainly the major changes in human genetics would be even more forbidden. Only Allah knows the best. Wallahualam.

*Edited from an assignment of “Legitimacy of Children by Way of Clone & Surrogate Mother According To Islamic Perspective”, prepared for Islamic Family Law (LSS 1033) during the 3rd Semester of Diploma in Law, UDM.


Lokman Aiman Bin Karjoo
General Secretary 2,
FLAIRSOC Session 2010 / 2011.

Friday, April 23, 2010




Semasa entry ini ditulis, FLAIRIANS sedang menduduki peperiksaan akhir semester 2 sesi 2009/2010. Harapan kami agar kita sama-sama dapat menjawab peperiksaan dengan baik dan mendapat keputusan yang setimpal. INSYAALLAH.

Sebenarnya tujuan coretan kali ini adalah untuk berkongsi serba sedikit berkaitan LAWATAN KE DEWAN UNDANGAN NEGERI (DUN) TERENGGANU baru- baru ini. Lawatan yang dianjurkan oleh EXCO ALSA dan SERANTA ini telah disertai oleh kira-kira 80 orang pelajar (diploma dan ijazah).

Sepanjang setengah hari berada di sana, para pelajar didedahkan dengan situasi serta senario sebenar persidangan dewan. ALHAMDULILLAH, lawatan ini berlangsung dengan baik dan kami amat berbangga dan berterima- kasih untuk komitmen yang diberikan. Komentar positif yang diluahkan akan kami jadikan pemangkin untuk terus melakukan yan terbaik untuk FLAIRIANS.

untuk pengetahuan, lawatan tersebut merupakan program terakhir FLAIRSOC untuk sesi 2009/2010 ini. INSYAALAH pelbagai lagi program dan aktiviti telah dirancang untuk FLAIRIANS bermula semester hadapan dan kami amat mengharapkan sokongan anda untuk menjayakannya.


Thursday, April 08, 2010




Semoga para FLAIRIAN berada dalam keadaan yang baik hendaknya. Buat makluman FLAIRIAN sekalian, pada entry kali ini FLAIRSOC ingin berkongsi tentang KUNJUNGAN HORMAT yang telah dilakukan oleh pimpinan saudara ADIB AIMAN baru- baru ini.

Program ini bertujuan untuk membina tautan ukhuwwah antara FLAIRSOC dan persatuan fakulti lain di UDM. Setakat ini, kami telah bertemu dengan PERSATUAN MAHASISWA FAKULTI BAHASA dan FAKULTI PERNIAGAAN, PENGURUSAN dan PERAKAUNAN.
Alhamdulillah, banyak perkara yang dirancang dan harapan kami agar segalanya dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik, INSYAALLAH.:) Selain dua persatuan pelajar fakulti tersebut, kami turut merancang untuk bertemu dengan yang lain selain rancangan untuk mengadakan sesi dialog bersama MAJLIS PERWAKILAN PELAJAR dan barisan pentadbir UDM.

semoga jalinan erat yang kami harapkan akan mekar terjalin demi kebaikan kita bersama.




semoga FLAIRIANS sekalian berada dalam keadaan yang baik-baik sahaja. Pertamanya kami pimpinan FLAIRSOC sesi 2010/2011 ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada FLAIRIANS khususnya dan seluruh warga UDM amnya kerana telah menyertai PROGRAM DERMA DARAH anjuran FLAIRSOC pada 30 MAC yang lalu.

Berkat sokongan kalian, program tersebut berlangsung dan berakhir dengan jayanya. sekali lagi terima kasih tak terhingga kami ucapkan atas sokongan kalian.





Pada 25 MAC 2010, pimpinan FLAIRSOC telah dijemput untuk menghadiri PROGRAM JALINAN UKHUWWAH MPP09/10 BERSAMA PELAJAR UDM yang telah diadakan di DABS. Pada majlis tersebut, Para pemimipin setiap persatuan diperkenalkan oleh Presiden setiap persatuan.

Pada sesi tersebut, para pelajar UDM diberi peluang untuk bersoal-jawab bersama MPP UDM. Pimpinan FLAIRSOC tidak ketinggalan dan antara yang sempat diutarakan adalah isu jalan berbatu, etika pemakaian pelajar, kelulusan proposal dan sebagainya. Kami turut berusaha untuk mengutarakan isu kekuranagn buku di perpustakaan, namun masa tidak mengizinkan.

Namun, kami akan mengatur satu sesi pertemuan khas bersama MPP UDM untuk membawa suara FLAIRIANS, demi kebajikan FLAIRIANS sendiri. InsyaALLAH..





Pada 18 MAC 2010, 1 mesyuarat bersama FLAIRIANS telah diadakan di Dewan Kuliah Utama (DKU)..Mesyuarat kali-1 yang dipengerusikan oleh SRI MORGANA dan AINON itu telah dirasmikan oleh PUAN NORAIDA HARUN, selaku DEKAN FUHA. Majlis turut disertai dengan ucapan oleh SIR ASRIl iaitu PENASIHAT FLAIRSOC.

Majlis kemudiannya diteruskan dengan sesi pengenalan barisan Majlis Tertinggi dan Exco FLAIRSOC kepada para FLAIRIAN. Sesi yang dikendalikan oleh MOHD ADIB AIMAN iaitu PRESIDEN baru FLAIRSOC itu turut mencakupi sesi sola jawab bersama FLAIRIAN. Pada sesi tersebut, pelbagai perkara telah dipersetujui bersama antaranya berkaitan yuran persatuan, baju persatuan dan sebagainya.

Semoga pertemuan ini mampu membawa FLAIRSOC ke arah sesuatu yang lebih baik.


Friday, April 02, 2010




Pada 19 MAC yang lalu, EXCO SUKAN FLAIRSOC yang dipimpin oleh MOHD NAQIUDDIN MD NASIR telah menganjurkan KEJOHANAN FUTSAL UNDANG-UNDANG. Kejohanan yang bermula seawal jam 8 pagi itu disertai oleh para FLAIRIANS yang mana setiap kelas wajib menghantar 2 pasukan, 1 pasukan lelaki dan 1 pasukan perempuan.

Walaupun keadaan cuaca pada hari tersebut agak tidak menentu, panas, mendung dan hujan namun ALHAMDULILLAH, kejohanan tersebut berjalan dengan lancar. Malah, para FLAIRIANS sanggup bermain di bawah terik matahari dan hujan. Semangat kesukanan yang tinggi ini amat kami hargai dan semoga FLAIRIANS akan terus memberi komitmen yang tinggi dalam aktiviti FLAIRSOC yang akan datang.

berikut adalah keputusan kejohanan:





Tahniah diucapkan kepada para pemenang dan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga diucapkan kepada FLAIRIANS yang terlibat..:)





Untuk makluman FLAIRIANS, pada 17/3/2010 pimpinan FLAIRSOC telah mengadakan satu mesyuarat bersama barisan pentadbir FUHA yang terdiri daripada PUAN NORAIDA HARUN (DEKAN), EN MOHD FUAD HUSAINI (TIMBALAN DEKAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR), DR SULAIMAN DORLOH (TIMBALAN DEKAN) dan PUAN ASIAH BIDIN (PENSYARAH).

Majlis dimulakan dengan sesi memperkenalkan pimpinan baru FLAIRSOC bagi sesi 2020/2011. Pada pertemuan selama 2 jam itu, FLAIRSOC membentangkan rancangan aktiviti untuk FLAIRIANS sepanjang sesi 2010/2011 ini. Selain itu kedua- dua pihak turut membincangkan pelbagai perkara berkaitan kebajikan dan kepentingan FLAIRIANS. ALHAMDULILLAH, beberapa kata sepakat berjaya dicapai antara kedua- dua pihak dan diharapkan agar ia akan membawa kebaikan untuk kita bersama.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010




For those who are interested to study law, either Syariah or civil, degree or diploma, the following are some tips or guideline for you. hopefully that it will help:))

Diploma in syariah

The objectives of the diploma in syariah are to ensure graduates :

1. Understand the principle of syariah and Islamic law from its sources;
2. understand problem solving skills in the current issues concerning lawand syariah;
3. know field and career opportunities related to Islamic law and administration to provide manpower to the country ,industry and society;and
4. know professional ethics and moral obligations.

Bachelor of laws

The objectives of the bachelor of laws degree (three year programme) are to:

1. equip students with the understanding of fundamental legal principles, concepts and theories and to have the ability to apply these in practical situation;
2. instill student with critical , analytical and problem-solving skills;
3. ensure students have the necessary elements of practical skills including communication skills (written and oral), negotiation skills, client counseling and interview, advocacy, mooting,drafting and research;
4. create awareness of the students’ social and moral obligations;
5. create awareness of the practice and etiquette standards of the legal profession;
6. expose the students to law-related working environments via attachments,(such as the courts, law firms, corporate sector and legal aid centres).
In addition to the above, the professional year of a bachelor of laws aim to:
1. prepare students to meet the expectation of clients, the profession, and society;
2. train students in the practical legal skills such as in drafting of pleadings, drafting of contractual documents, advocacy skills, negotiation skills and skills necessary for alternative dispute resolution;
3. ensure students have competency and proficiency in the court processes in accordance with the courts practices, rules and procedures whether in criminal, civil or other areas;
4. equip students with awareness of their social and moral obligations and responsibilities;
5. ensure students are able to use bahasa Malaysia and English proficiency, whether written or oral.

Certificate in legal practice

The aims of the certificate in legal practice are to :

1. prepare candidates to meet the expectation of clients, the profession and society;
2. train candidates in the practical legal skills such as drafting of pleadings, drafting of contractual documents, advocacy skills, negotiation skills and skills necessary for alternative dispute resolution;
3. ensure students have competency and proficiency in the court processes in accordance with the courts practices, rules and procedures whether in criminal, civil or other areas;
4. instill professional value of ethics and professionalism in candidates in accordance with the Legal Profession Act 1976;
5. equip candidates with awareness of their social and moral obligations and responsibilities;
6. ensure candidates are able to use bahasa Malaysia and English proficiency, whether written or oral.

Bachelor Of Syariah

The objectives of the bachelor of syariah are to produce graduates who:

1. master the syariah and Islamic law in theory and practical from its original source;
2. be exposed to the basic civil law;
3. possess problem solving abilities in syariah and law in the society and current issues;
4. get the exposure to practical legal skills of syarie;
5. fulfill the profession requirements in Islamic administration and law that meets the professional human capital needs of the country, industry and society; and
6. adhere to the professional ethics and moral obligations.

Bachelor of Law (syariah and civil)

The objectives of the bachelor of law (syariah & civil) are to produce graduates who

1. master the syariah and Islamic law in theory and practical from its original source;
2. master the civil law in theory and practical;
3. possess syariah, Islamic and civil law problem solving skills in the society and current issues;
4. are exposed to syariah and civil legal practical skills;
5. fulfill the career requirements in administration, as well as civil and Islamic law that meets the expectation of clients, industry and society through professionalism; and
6. adhere to the professional ethics and moral obligations.

Bachelor In Law And Syariah

The objectives of the bachelor of law and syariah are produce graduates who:

1. master the syariah and Islamic law in theory and practical from its original source;
2. master the civil law in theory and practical;
3. possess civil and syariah law problem solving skills in the society and current issues;
4. are exposed to syariah and civil legal practical skills;
5. fulfill the career requirements in administration, as well as civil and Islamic law that meets the expectation of clients, industry and society through professionalism; and
6. adhere to the professional ethics and moral obligations.


The objectives of this programme are to:

1. produce graduate who would specialize in specific areas of law;
2. develop and produce graduate with advanced level of comprehension, research and analytical skill;
3. produce graduate who are competent in research and writing;and
4. develop graduate with the ability to undertake comparative study of law.


The objectives of this programme are to able:

1. develop new and original ideas and concept in law;
2. provide training in intensive research and writing, for the purposes of academic scholarship;
3. produce respected legal intellectuals; and
4. create pathways for future academic leaders.

Learning Outcomes

Diploma In Syariah

At the end of the programme, graduates should be able to :

1. identify the basic principles of syariah and explain the basic fiqh law;
2. identify the sources and methods of syarak law and syariah law system in Malaysia;
3. identify the current issues and problems in fiqh and syariah law;
4. explain the basic research methods and able to obtain information to carry out research;
5. assist in preparation and handling of the syariah cases; and
6. communicate with clients and colleagues effectively and ethically.

Bachelor of laws

At the end of the third year, students of bachelor of laws programmes such as the llb, bachelor of legal studies and bachelor of jurisprudence should be able to:

1. demonstrate an understanding of the legal principles and concepts;
2. identify legal issues and to issues and to advise on appropriate legal recourse;
3. apply the relevant laws, legal principles and concepts in resolving disputes or problems;
4. seek information using the best research tools available;
5. demonstrate basic skills in drafting legal documents and opinion;
6. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of a dispute to the client;
7. demonstrate basic skills in conducting negotiations, interviews and advising on possible solutions;
8. demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively and with mutual respect;
9. demonstrate an awareness of the ethics and etiquette of the profession;
10. demonstrate an awareness of social and moral obligations to society;
11. use both bahasa Malaysia and English proficiency in relation to legal matters, both in writing and oral;
12. appreciate the importance of continuing professional development and changes in law.

*In addition to the above, students in the professional year of a bachelor of laws programme should be able to :

1. appreciate the importance of court rules, ethics and etiquette, practices and procedures in conducting cases;
2. demonstrate basic court etiquette and advocacy skills, client relationship and alternative dispute resolutions.

Certificate in Legal Practice

Candidates in the certificate in Legal practice should be able to :

1. appreciate the importance of court rules, ethics, etiquette ,practices and procedures in conducting cases;
2. demonstrate basic court etiquette and advocacy skills, negotiation skills, client relationship and alternative dispute resolutions;
3. draft legal documents and opinion;
4. identify legal issues and advise appropriate legal recourses;
5. resort to alternative dispute resolution in resolving problems;
6. identify and retrieve legal information using electronic and non-electronic resources;
7. use both Bahasa Malaysia and English proficiency in relation to legal matters, both in writing and oral;
8. demonstrate an awareness of social and moral obligations to society;
9. appreciate the importance of continuing professional development and changes in law.

Bachelor in Syariah Law

At the end of the programme, graduates should be able to:

1. explain and apply the principles of syariah and fiqh law in resolving current problems;
2. explain the basic structure and principles of administration and syariah law system in Malaysia;
3. identify issues and apply the available syariah law in resolving syariah cases;
4. use the right research methods to produce research concerning fiqh and syariah law;
5. conduct negotiations and advise on solutions concerning fiqh and syariah law;
6. draft legal documents and opinion based on relevant fiqh and syariah law and conduct cases based on mal and crime procedures in syariah court;
7. apply the ethics and etiquette of the syariah legal profession in career;
8. manage syariah law firm/work place with accountability;
9. function in various discipline of the syariah law using various resources and modern technology by applying teamwork, good leadership principle and ready to improve knowledge and skills;
10. master basic legal Arabic language;and
11. communicate both in Bahasa Malaysia and English with clients and colleagues effectively and ethically.

Bachelor in Law (Syariah and Civil)

At the end of the programme , graduates should be able to :

1. explain and apply the principles of syariah and civil law professionally in resolving current problems;
2. explain the basic structure and principles of administration, civil and syariah law system in Malaysia;
3. identify issues and apply the available law in resolving civil and syariah cases;
4. make comparison between the principles of civil and syariah law;
5. use the right research methods to produce research relating to syariah and civil law;
6. conduct negotiation and advise clients on solutions for their legal problems;
7. draft relevant documents and opinion and conduct cases based on courts procedures;
8. apply the ethics and etiquette of legal profession in career;
9. manage law firm/workplace with accountability;
10. function in various discipline of syariah and civil law using various resources and modrn technology by applying teamwork, good leadership principle and ready to improve knowledge and skills;
11. master the basic legal Arabic language;
12. communicate in Bahasa Malaysia and English to clients and collegues effectively and ethically.

Bachelor in Law and Syariah

At the end of the programme, graduates should be able to:

1. explain and apply the principles of syariah and civil law professionally in resolving current problems;
2. explain basic structure and principles of administration, as well as civil and syariah law in Malaysia;
3. identify issues and apply the available law in resolving civil and syariah cases;
4. make comparison between the principles of civil and syariah law;
5. use the right research methods to produce research relating to syariah and civil law;
6. conduct negotiation and advise clients on solutions for their legal problems;
7. draft relevant legal documents and opinion and conduct cases based on courts procedures;
8. apply ethics and etiquette of legal profession in career;
9. manage law firm/workplace with accountability;
10. function in various discipline in syariah law and law using various resources and modern technology by applying values of teamwork, good leadership principle and ready to improve knowledge and skills;
11. possess basic legal Arabic language;
12. communicate in Bahasa Malaysia and English to clients and colleagues effectively and ethically.


At the end of the programme, the graduates should be able to:

1. explain law in variety of contexts;
2. analyse, critique and suggest solutions to issues;
3. review laws and policies and contribute new ideas;
4. conduct independent research;
5. produce well-researched papers and/or dissertation in accordance with the academic and ethical standards of the institution.


At the end of the programme, the graduates should be able to:

1. conduct independent and original academic research that merit publication;
2. demonstrate a comprehensive mastery of knowledge relevant to a focused area of law;
3. demonstrate academic expertise on a particular research subject;
4. produce a well-researched paper or dissertation in accordance with the highest academic and ethical standards;
5. present and defend the research finding before assessors ; and
6. carry out further independent research.

Programme Design


The specific requirements for each level are as indicated below. However as a general guide, the following should be considered:

i. a basic bachelors without the professional year (equivalent to the CLP) shall be taught over a minimum of 3 years full time. The recommended programme design are as follows:
a. Full Time
i. 6 semesters of 14 weeks or
ii. 9 trimesters of 14+14+7 weeks
b. Part Time
i. 8 semesters of 14 weeks;or
ii. 12 trimesters of 14+14+7 week
ii for programmes with the professional years, a minimum of 4 years of study is required with a recommended credits of 140 or above;
iii students with credit transfers and exemptions may do less semesters by vitue of the exemptions or transfer subjected to credit transfer policies is place at the time ; and
iv the indicated credits are the minimum benchmarks. Institutions may offer higher credit hours in accordance to the needs of the programmes and secilisation.

Diploma Perundangan Syariah
1. MQF Minimum graduating Credits-90
2. Programme Component :
a. University Requirement : 10-20%
b. Faculty Requirements : 80-90% of which :
i. Core : 75-85 %

This must include following subjects :

• Usul Fiqh (Islamic Jurispudence)
• Qawaid Fiqh (Islamic Legal Maxims)
• Fiqh Munakahat (Islamic Family Law)
• Fiqh Jenayat (Islamic Criminal Law)
• Fiqh Muamalat (Islamic Muamalat)
• Malaysian Legal System

ii. Elective : 2-5%
iii. Student Placement : 1-5% (compulsory)

Bachelor of Laws

1. MQF minimum grading credits -120
2. The bachelor of law shall stress :
• Legal methodology (research, critical thinking, reasoning and decision making)
• Use information technology (should be incorporated in all courses)
• Problem-based learning
• Public speaking
• Comparative analysis of law and practice
• Mooting and mock trials
• Attachments

All law programmes shall adopt the following guidelines :
i. Compulsory (15-25%)
• University : Bahasa Malaysia, English, etc
• Programme : public speaking, mooting, student placement

ii. Core (42 -55%)

This must include the following subjects :
Subject Credit
• Malaysian Legal system 3
• Malaysian Islamic Legal System 3
• Law of Contract 6
• Constitutional Law 6
• Criminal Law 6
• Law of Tort 6
• Land Law 6
• Equity and Trust 6

Note :

1. All core subjects shall be taught during a long semester only.
2. The subjects listed above are the minimum, higher education providers may opt to provide up to 55% with the inclusion of other core papers which shall be read by all students studying at the institution. This will encourage the development of instituition niche in specific areas.
iii. Electives (30-33%)

The subjects (either as a taught course or project paper) may include but are not limited to the following :

• Intellectual Property Law
• Law and Medicine
• Law and Evironment
• Law and Society
• Conflict of Laws
• Evidence
• Human Rights Law
• Banking Law
• Arbitration
• Cyber Law
• Crime and Penology
• Islamic Banking and Takaful
• Islamic Jurispudence
• Islamic Legal Maxims
• Comparative Family Law (Islamic and Civil)

Note :
1. Each elective subject shall carry a minimum value of three credits and to the maximum of six.
2. For higher education providers (HEPs) offering the professional year LLB programme, the final year of the programme shall be similar to the prevailing Certificate in Legal Practice programme.

Certificate in Legal Practice
1. Duration : minimum 9 months
2. Component :
i. Core-100%
• General Paper (Contract and Tort)
• Civil Procedure
• Criminal Procedure
• Evidence
• Professional Practice (land law and conveyancing,probate and administration of estate, advocacy and duties of counsel, ethics of the legal profession and law of bankruptcy and winding-up)
3. Suggested structures
• Lectures
• Tutorials
• Use of information technology
• Legal methodology (identification of issues, research, critical thinking, reasoning and opinion writing)
• Problem based learning
• Interpretation of laws
• Advocacy skills
• Instill ethical and moral values

Sarjana Muda Perundangan Syariah
1. MQF Minimum Graduating Credits – 140
2. Programme Component :
a. University Requirements : 10-15%
b. Faculty Requirements : 85-90% of which :
i. Core : 75-80%

This must include following subjects:

• Usul Fiqh (Islamic Jurispudence)
• Qawaid Fiqh (Islamic Legal Maxims)
• Fiqh Munakahat (Islamic Family Law)
• Fiqh Jenayah (Islamic Criminal Law)
• Fiqh Muamalat (Islamic Muamalat)
• Islamic Law Of Evidence
• Malaysian Legal System
• Administration of Islamic Legal System
• Ayat and Hadith Ahkam
• Islamic Law of Property and Succession
• Islamic Law of Criminal Procedure
• Islamic Law of Civil Procedure
• Islamic Advocacy and Judicial System
• Malaysian Constitutional Law
• Comparative Family Law (Islamic and civil)
ii. Elective : 2-5%
The subjects (either as a taught course or project paper) may include but are not limited to the following:
• Islamic Law of Banking and Takaful
• Islamic Law and Society
• Islamic Law of Medicine
• Law of Tort
• Land Law
• Commercial Law
iii. Student Placement : 2%-5% (compulsory)

Sarjana Muda Undang-undang (Syariah and Civil)
1. MQF Minimum Graduating Credits – 150
2. Programme Component :
a. University Requirements : 10-15%
b. Faculty Requirements : 85-90% of which :
i. Core : 75-80% (inclusive the following subjects)

This must include following subjects:

• Usul Fiqh (Islamic Jurispudence)
• Qawaid Fiqh (Islamic Legal Maxims)
• Fiqh Munakahat (Islamic Family Law)
• Fiqh Jenayah (Islamic Criminal Law)
• Fiqh Muamalat (Islamic Muamalat)
• Islamic Law Of Evidence
• Administration of Islamic Legal System
• Islamic Law of Criminal Procedure
• Islamic Law of Civil Procedure
• Islamic Advocacy and Judicial System
• Malaysian Constitutional Law
• Comparative Family Law (Islamic and civil)
• Law of tort
• Law of contract
• Equity and Trusts
• Criminal Law
• Malaysian Legal System

ii. Elective : 2-5%
• Ayat and Hadith Ahkam
• Islamic Law of Banking and Takaful
• Islamic Law and Society
• Islamic Law of Medicine
• Islamic Law of Property and Succession
• Law of Medicine
• Law and Medicine
• Law and Environment
• International Law
• Taxation Law
• Intellectual Property Law
• Cyber Law
• Law and Consumer
• Management of Islamic Institutions
iii. Student Placement : 2%-5% (compulsory)
Students will be placed in both civil and syariah practice.

Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang Dan Perundangan Syariah
1. MQF Minimum Graduating Credits – 180
2. Programme Component :
a. University Requirements : 10-15%
b. Faculty Requirements : 85-90% of which :
i. Core : 75-80%

This must include following subjects:

• Usul Fiqh (Islamic Jurispudence)
• Qawaid Fiqh (Islamic Legal Maxims)
• Fiqh Munakahat (Islamic Family Law)
• Fiqh Jenayah (Islamic Criminal Law)
• Fiqh Muamalat (Islamic Muamalat)
• Islamic Law Of Evidence
• Administration of Islamic Legal System
• Islamic Law of Criminal Procedure
• Islamic Law of Civil Procedure
• Islamic Advocacy and Judicial System
• Malaysian Constitutional Law
• Comparative Family Law (Islamic and civil)
• Law of tort
• Law of contract
• Equity and Trusts
• Criminal Law
• Malaysian Legal System
iv. Elective : 2-5%
• Islamic Law of Banking and Takaful
• Islamic Law and Society
• Islamic Law and Medicine
• Islamic Law of Medicine
• Law and Environment
• International Law
• Taxation Law
• Intellectual Property Law
• Cyber Law
• Law and Consumer
• Management of Islamic Institutions
v. Student Placement : 2%-5% (compulsory)
Students will be placed in both civil and syariah practice.

1. MQF Minimum Graduating Credits 40 (for structures B and C only)
2. Structures :
a. Structure A-Thesis only-Minimum of 1 year fulltime or 2 years part time (including a pre-requisite paper:Research Methodology).
b. Structure B-Coursework (between 20-24 credit) + a Dissertation of 20,000 to 25,000 words in legth
c. Structure C-Coursework only-40 credit inclusive of Project Paper, Case Study, or Seminar Papers.
3. Component for Structures B and C:
a. Core (including Research and methods) 50-60%
b. Electives 40%-50%
c. For specialized Masters programme, e.g LLM (business Law); LLM (international Law), 60-75% specialized elective subjets.

1. Structures:
a. Structure A-Coursework and Thesis
b. Structure B-Thesis only (research)
2. Component :
All doctoral shall include a thesis of:
a. Structure A-50,000 to 60,000 words.
b. Structure B- 80,000 to 100,000 words.

Student Entry Criteria

The specific requirement for each level are as indicated below. However as a general guide, the following should be considered in student selection:
1. That the requirements given below are the minimum entry qualifications;
2. Any exemptions provided for entry into higher level is subject to existing credit exemption policy;and
3. Students wanting to utilize any other modes of entry are subjected to:
a. The existing policies on open or mature student entry;and
b. Prior consent of the agency.

Diploma Perundangan Syariah
1. 3 credits in SPM or equivalent;OR
2. Certificate in related discipline or equivalent from any recognized institutions.

Bachelor of Laws
1. STPM/STP/GCE A levels or an equivalent with principal passes inTWO, in one sitting, subjects, including General Studies/Paper and SPM/SPMV/GCE O levels or equivalent with a credit in English;Or
2. A recognized matriculation/Foundation programme from any recognized institution;Or
3. Diploma or equivalent in related discipline from a recognized institution. Credit exemptions may be given on a subject-to-subject basis, up to maximum of 30%.
Certificate in Legal Practice

Student entry criteria and in accordance to:

1. Guidelines for recognition of Australian and New Zealand law degrees; guidelines on qualification and requirements for recognition of holders of Australian and ‘qualified persons’ under the Legal Profession Act 1976.
2. New guidelines on qualifications and requirements to qualify to sit for the Malaysian certificate in legal practice (CLP) examination (for law degrees from the United Kingdom), Legal Profession Qualifying Board, Malaysia,(u.d), Malaysia Qualifying Board (1998), Malaysia.
Sarjana Muda Perundangan Syariah/ Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang (Syariah dan Sivil)/ Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang dan Perundangan Syariah
1. STPM/STP/GCE A levels or an equivalent with principal passes in TWO subjects in one sitting, including General Studies/Paper in one sitting, and SPM/SPMV/GCE O levels or equivalent or Malaysian Higher Certificate of Religious Education (STAM) with maqbul (pass) Or
2. A recognized matriculation/ foundation programme from any recognized institution;Or
3. Diploma or equivalent in related discipline from a recognized institution. Credit exemptions may be given on a subject to subject basis, up to a minimum of 30%
1. LLB with Homours or its equivalent with minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.00, or 2.75 (subject to interview) or 2.50 with three years working experience in related fields.
2. Bachelor of syariah or its equivalent with CGPA of 3.0 or 2.75 (subject to interview) or 2.50 with three years working experience in related fields.
3. For specialized LLM eg, Masters in Construction Law, Intellectual Property or Banking Law applicants without a Bachelors of Laws can be considered , provided they have a degree and experience in related field of studies.

1. Bachelors degree in Law or Syariah and a Master degree.
2. Evidence of ability to do research.

Student assessment

The specific requirements for each level are as indicated below. However as a general guide, the following should be considered in student assessment :
1. At each level, depending on the requirement of individual subject/modules should incorporate both summative and formative assessment;
2. The need to meet the minimum credits for graduation (120) would require the students to have taken and passed corresponding number of courses;
3. The types of assessment indicated below are merely examples. Higher education providers are encouraged to use a variety of methods and tools appropriate for the assessment of the learning outcomes and competencies; and
4. Problem based learning should be reinforced with the rubric approach in assessment.

Diploma Perundangan Syariah

1. Formative
a. Projects
b. Discussions & Quizzes
c. Guided Learning Exercises
2. Summative : Continuous
a. Courseworks/Projects
b. Seminars
c. Assignments
d. Case Studies
e. Presentations
3. Summative : Final
a. Examinations
b. Tests
c. Projects
d. Case Studies
4. Student Placement/Placement Report

Bachelor (Civil and Syariah)

1. Formative
a. Projects
b. Discussions and Quizzes
c. Guided Learning Exercises
2. Summative : Continuous
a. Courseworks/Projet=cts
b. Seminars
c. Assignments
d. Case Studies
e. Presentions
3. Summative : Final
a. Examinations
b. Tests
c. Projects
d. Case Studies
4. Students Placement /Placement Report
Certificate in Legal Practice


1. Structure A – Research only
a. Research/ Dissertion-thesis assessment by Viva Voce, any modes of assessment approved by the institution.
2. Structure B-Coursework and Dissertation
a. Continuous assessment (formative)
b. Final Examinations (summative)
c. Dissertation assessment by Viva Voce or other modes of assessment approved by the institution
3. Structure C –Coursework only
a. Continuous assessment (formative)
b. Final examination (summative)


1. Stucture A – Coursework and Thesis
a. continuous assessment
b. Examination, if required
c. Research proposal
d. Thesis
2. Structure B- Thesis only
a. Research Proposal
b. Thesis

Note : Thesis in both structures shall be assessed by Viva voce.

The specific requirements for each level are as indicated below. However as a general guide, it is important to note that:
1. The academic leadership of the school/faculty/department should be with a person with doctorate with 3 years of work experience of Masters with 7 years of work experience in related field;
2. A faculty should have a minimum of 60% fulltime staff who form the core academic resource of the school; and
3. Where applicable a sufficient number of teacher-practitioner should be appointed.
Diploma Perundangan Syariah
1. Bachelor Degree in related fields and some industrial experience and
2. Ration of staff to students 1:25

Bachelor (Academic Years)
The higher education providers should demonstrate that they are striving to achieve the following :
1. All academic staff shall have a minimum of Master in the relevant fields or a bachelor of Laws with 10 years of professional legal experience;
2. 30% of academic staff should have a doctorate;
3. 30% academic staff should have professional qualification (chambered and called to the Bar or equivalent);
4. Academic staff should have at least one publication or conference paper per year;and
5. Ratio academic staff to student is 1:25

For programmes that has the professional years (professional year) or certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) :

1. 20% of academic staff with doctorate or a master with a minimum of 5 years work experience in related area;
2. Masters or a bachelor degree with at least CLP or equivalent and 5 years of work experience; and
3. Ratio of lecturer to students 1:25

Note : whilst it is noted the HEPs should have full time lecturers who are Advocates and Solicitors, it is important that are part time who are in active practice with at least 7 years experience.


1. Doctorate or Masters degree with adequate research experience;
2. Staff-student ratio 1.10; and
3. Academic staff should have at least one referred publication every 2 years.

1. Doctorate or an Associate Professor of adequate research and supervisory experience;
2. Supervisor-student ratio 1: 5, and
3. Academic staff should have at least one referred publication 1 year.

Educational Resources
For all levels (Diploma-Doctorate)
The Higher Education Provider is required to have the following :
1. Access to an appropriate collection of books, reports, journals,audiovisual and electronic resources;
2. Computer laboratories with facilities for word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation tasks, internet connection and online-searching of databases; and
3. Moot Court.

Continuous Improvement
For all Levels (Diploma –Doctorate)
The Higher Education Provider is expected to provide evidence of ability to keep pace with changes in the field and requirements of stakeholders. These may be demonstrated by, but not limited to:
1. Curriculum reviews, conducted at least once every in cycle, for example, once in three or five years;
2. Use of external-independent verification in assessment processes, such as the appointment of External Examiners;
3. Links with professional bodies and industry;
4. Continuous review of industrial attachment practices and record;
5. Dialogue sessions with stakeholders at least once every two years;
6. Active participate of staff at relevant conferences, seminars, workshops and short courses and publications in refereed journals;
7. Presentations by invited speakers;and
8. Organisation of conferences, seminars and workshops such as joint lecturers/seminar/talk with the professional bodies and industry.