On the 3rd of April 2009, FLAIR held an Excellent Student Award Ceremony and Dinner
At Permai Inn Kuala Terengganu. The ceremony was attended by all law students and was inaugurated by YBhg. Dato’ Prof. Dr. Alias Bin Daud, The Vice Chancellor of UDM. We also had the honour of receiving The YBhg. Prof. Afandi, The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International), The Head Registrar of UDM, The Head Legal Committee of Terengganu, The Deans of faculty in UDM and also Madam Noraida Binti Harun (Ummi), The Deputy Dean of FUHA and now as a Dean. Also present were lecturers, faculty staffs, MT and FLAIRSOC Excos.
The tentative of the program is as followed:
1.Speech from Deputy President of FLAIRSOC, part 6 representative student and Deputy Dean of FLAIRSOC.
2.Inaugural speech from The Vice Chancellor of UDM.
3.Dean List Award for the diploma and degree student.
4.Award - giving for Most Famous Lecturer, Most Famous Mentor and Most Famous Staff of FLAIRSOC.
5.Special award for Mr. and Mrs. Smart Student and Lucky Draw.
6.Performance from representative of degree part 2,4 and 6 and diploma part 2.
7.Photography session.
The purpose for this ceremony is to appreciate the excellent student in semester 1 2008/2009, to celebrate part 6 diploma students and as an annual program of FLAIRSOC. It was handled as a whole by part 4 diploma student and by the assistance of Student University Association FLAIRSOC.
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